A simpler and cleaner experience.
All-in-one device
December is the month of gift-giving, celebrations, family lunches, gatherings with loved ones, simply this is a period when the holiday magic is all around us. We always enjoy buying gifts and even more so receiving them. 🎁
The last month of our calendars is also the month of the biggest discounts, and therefore, every walk in the shopping centers should be used wisely. Therefore, if you are shopping in your favorite mall, think of your device and leave it for cleaning at one of the IQOS zones.
And don't forget that cleaning is only a small part of the total experience of our zones because our New Year's discounts are waiting for you there too. Ask around and let the agents capture your IQOS holiday atmosphere.
● IQOS Zone Skopje City Mall
● IQOS Zone Vero Taftalidze
● IQOS Zone Capitol Mall
● IQOS Zone Ramstore Mall
● IQOS Zone East Gate Mall
Make an impression!
Choose IQOS and personalize your device with the help of our agents at one of the IQOS
zones in Skopje.
Only IQOS.