
What will be the new trends in 2020?

Did any generation feel so confused and nervous about what was coming?

"Looking back on history, we can only imagine what uncertainty the industrial revolution or the two world wars brought. But today's chaos is much more pervasive, as it is everywhere. It may be because we are dealing with an increased likelihood that we have condemned our planet to ruin. Or maybe because information on everything that is happening in the world is readily available," says Marianne Salzman, one of the world's most famous "trendsetters" and a woman who is credited with first establishing the term metosexual.
Salzmann in his text Chaos is the New "Normal" carries an overview of what, in her opinion, will be trends in 2020.

Clean air as a luxury

It's a privilege to have clean air more than ever. While many states are taking various measures to keep their levels of air pollution at bay, global climate change is warning us of how much we care about the environment. Because of this, Salzman argues, living in places where the air is clean will be a luxury for many of us, and the irony of it being greater, face masks will become an indispensable addition to people living in the world's metropolises.

Pet therapy

Pet love is nothing new, but new is what we expect of them. It has been proven that keeping a pet has a beneficial effect on our mood, lowers blood pressure and slows down the work of the heart. Physical contact combined with boundless love has proved to be a winning combination to improve our psychophysical state. It is therefore not surprising that animal therapy will be one of the dominant trends this year.

Trees are chic

In time when air pollution alarms are rising , cities compete and work together to be greener. The more trees, the better, because they not only look good, but also provide a whole host of benefits. They shade, help neutralize the effects of heat on the heated asphalt and help filter out air pollution. They increase happiness, reduce stress, and encourage city dwellers to get out. In some parts of the world, urban trees bear fruit and other fruits that locals can use or sell.

Salzman gives examples that Paris has plans to build urban parks around four historic sites. Seoul recently invested in more than 2,000 gardens and urban parks. Melbourne plans to cover more than 40% of the city's trees by 2040, while New York City plans to plant 1 million trees, mapping the areas where it is most needed.

How do I feel today?

One of the trends in 2020 is the use of digital watches and smartphones to check the general condition - from the number of heartbeats and the number of steps taken and kilometers spent on foot or in the car, to the fulfillment of certain fitness tasks.

Many will say that machines have taken over humans. However, the fact is that the device industry that enables us to keep track of our vital functions will grow because of the need for individuals to take control of their lives and to see concrete, tangible evidence of their progress in visual activity. And as long as these plugins work to this end, the trend of tracking their own results will continue to grow.

Marian Saltzman of 2018 is Vice President and Head of Communications at Global Tobacco giant Philip Morris International, a company that has recognized yet another trend that will mark the decade ahead. This is the trend of developing alternatives to smoking so that cigarettes can be permanently replaced by better, less harmful alternatives based on scientific evidence. Saltzman says: "We tell people around the world that the best choice is simple: If you don't smoke, don't start. If you smoke, stop. If you don't, move on to a less harmful alternative."

In the case of Philip Morris, the leader in the development of alternative smoking products, i.e. the leader in innovation is IQOS, a device that heats rather than burns tobacco, thus eliminating smoke and releasing about 95% less harmful ingredients, thereby enabling the required and required experience of adult smokers who may or may not want to quit smoking. In doing so, IQOS is the first, but not the only product in the portfolio of PMI risk-averse products.

Source: Убавина и здравје

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