A simpler and cleaner experience.
All-in-one device
Winter will not be complete without at least one weekend spent on the slopes of the beautiful Bistra and our always favorite Mavrovo.
Getting away from the crowds and enjoying the snow with your loved ones is the ideal way to recharge your batteries.
What are the 4 things that will make your time spent in Mavrovo unforgettable or represent something you should not miss:
1. Choose accommodation in a private villa or hotel with a spa where you can enjoy and relax even when you are not on the slopes.
A glass of mulled wine, a fireplace, beautiful music, a snowy view and a warm atmosphere – almost all accommodation facilities offer an excellent opportunity for relaxation and a warm vacation.
2. Enjoying the beauty of the snow, relaxed socializing with friends is available to all visitors and in several locations:
- The atmosphere next to the DJ desk in "Ski Shkola" is always ideal for partying. Sunshine, your favorite drink, good music and company.
Trifkova koliba is an ideal place if you want to warm up, rest and drink hot tea with rum. Relax and enjoy the comfortable lazy bags and the view of the slopes of Bistra.
- If you want to make the most of the snow, the tracks are always ready for action and adrenaline.
3. Do not miss to try homemade pie and sour milk in one of the bars in Mavrovo with a view of the lake.
4. If you are staying for several days, take the time to walk to Galicnik, visit the monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski, drink the sweetest Turkish coffee with Turkish delight at House of Miyaks, walk to Trnica. Mavrovo offers countless opportunities for a permanent active vacation.
Токму во прекрасното Маврово, и оваа зимска сезона, можете да го најдете и пријателскиот тим на IQOS. Во Ски школа, IQOS експертите се секогаш подготвени да помогнат со сè што ти треба - уреди, додатоци за најновите уреди, па дури и опција за замена на твојот стар уред со нов. На Трифкова колиба е сместена и IQOS chill зоната каде може да уживате во сонцето, да го наполните својот IQOS уред, да направите надградба на софтверот и да добиете корисничка поддршка за сè што ве интересира.
It is in beautiful Mavrovo, and this winter season, you can also find the friendly IQOS team. At Ski Shkola, IQOS experts are always ready to help with everything you need - devices, accessories for the latest devices, and even the option of replacing your old device with a new one.
The IQOS chill zone is also located at Trifkova koliba where you can enjoy the sun, charge your IQOS device, upgrade the software and get user support for everything you are interested in.