Starting from the 1st of February, IQOS 3 DUO will have a new, lower price of 2.100 denars.
Why decide on getting IQOS 3 DUO? There are multiple good reasons for that, and we share a part of them:
And of course, let’s not forget to mention the exclusive online offer, through which with every order of IQOS 3 DUO device via our website or the Virtual Zone, you will receive a fabric sleeve available in three colors: Indigo, Red and Grey. The fabric sleeve will help you complete the personal touch of your device and will be a great fit for your fashion combinations.
Your IQOS.
This product is not without a risk, it releases nicotine which is addictive. For adults only.
* Important information: Not necessarily equal to 95% risk reduction. IQOS is not without risk.
"95% less" refers to the average reductions in the levels of a wide range of harmful substances (excluding nicotine) compared to the reference cigarette smoke.
** Important information: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk-free. IQOS releases nicotine, which is addictive.
Reduction of average levels of harmful substances (excluding nicotine) compared to cigarette smoke.
*** Important information: This does not mean a 98% reduced risk. IQOS is not risk-free, it releases nicotine, which is addictive.
*Source: We measured the levels of certain harmful ingredients that are a priority in reports made by reputable public health organizations, which are reduced by an average of 95% compared to cigarette smoke (excluding nicotine).