
Why Is Your Opinion Most Important to Us?

At IQOS, our mission and priority is to ensure your complete satisfaction and exceptional experience. This is exactly why your opinion is important, and we will explain how you, as a user, can make a big difference.

Why share your opinion?

Your user experience is the core of our commitment. By sharing your opinion, you play a key role in our constant search for progress and mutual improvement.

At IQOS, we value feedback the most as it guides us in the process of perfecting our brand and services. We want to make sure that every interaction you have with IQOS as a brand, with our experts and channels, both online and offline, is nothing short of exceptional.

For this purpose, we use surveys that give us insights about your experience.

Steps every loyal user goes through - IQOS

How to share your opinion?

Simply, through surveys sent via SMS! By answering just a few short questions, you give us insight into your satisfaction with our services. This allows us to analyze each interaction in detail and understand your experience related to our products and services. With this we have insight into what we are doing well, and in which aspect there is room for improvement and minimizing misunderstandings between our IQOS experts and users.

We measure your satisfaction for interactions across all available channels:

  • • IQOS zones
  • • IQOS partners
  • • IQOS experts
  • • Our digital channel

Every interaction on our channels is followed by a survey sent within 24 hours. Your input with comments and recommendations is of great importance to us, and we are always here to listen.

Because of our commitment to maintaining long-term user satisfaction, after the first survey related to the interaction through our channels, we send several more, designed to evaluate your overall experience with IQOS as a brand: after 7 days of purchasing the device, after 30 days, as well as after 6, 12 and 24 months.

Improving the IQOS experience: our approach

Our journey to perfection involves a dynamic two-way communication process.

External communication

Our employees connect directly with you to get real feedback that will give us a clearer picture of our strengths as well as areas that require improvements for a seamless experience. In case of a negative feedback regarding the experience, we are here to find effective solutions for improvement.

Internal communication

As part of internal communication, we collect feedback to create a comprehensive understanding of the positive and negative experiences our users encounter. Our team prioritizes information to come up with the most effective solutions to ensure a timely and positive user experience for everyone.

It is important for us that you know that you are a key part of the entire IQOS journey, your answers are noted and your voice is heard. Your feedback has the power to shape our products and services, and your positive ratings motivate us to be even better.

Share your experience with us!

Only IQOS.

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