
Start the new year 2024 in a different way

Dear reader, you who are always looking for news from the world of IQOS, this time we want to congratulate you on the New Year 2024 and we wish you that it will be the best ever!


Let's start it with taking care of ourselves, surrounded by the most loved ones. In order for it to be your best yet, we believe that there is one mantra that we recommend you follow – "Everything you do in the new year, do it without pressure and without complicated rules."

Inspired by this very idea, we decided to encourage you to start this year with a fresh perspective and finally realize all the things you have been putting off until now.

Here are a few tips that we hope will help you define new, realistic plans:

  • 1. Set realistic goals for yourself: On a piece of paper, write down some realistic goals that you want to achieve this year. Start small, like learning a new skill or choosing a better alternative.

  • 2. Care and love for yourself: We easily forget the things that make us special, characteristic. This year, appreciate every moment and take a moment for yourself during the day, no matter how many responsibilities you have. Watch a movie, visit the theater, cook, inspire, let IQOS be your companion in the little things... find time to enjoy yourself and that without feeling guilty.
a girl holding a coffe and an IQOS ILUMA holder
  • 3. With new habits leading to big changes: We are experts in this and we firmly believe that choosing a better alternative contributes to a better way of life. If we want to change something, let's start with small but consistent habits that will make our everyday life.

  • 4. Learn, explore, inspire: In other words, be brave because change comes with learning new things, and that helps you grow into the person you want to be. Follow the profile of iqos_mk and IQOS Makedonija and get inspired how to personalize your ILUMA device, but also explore all the answers to all the questions related to the IQOS world.

  • 5. Enjoy the moment: And certainly don't forget your rituals, they make you unique and special. Choose at least one day a week in which you will make space for yourself and choose the moments that you will enjoy to the fullest. They say "happiness is in the little things". So for example, choose your favorite cafe with your favorite book and your IQOS and indulge in the magical world of the book. Remember that you create your own happiness.

  • 6. Don't be afraid of the unknown: Courage is the driving force behind all changes, personal and social. Be brave and bring in something new every day a little bit. So, don't be afraid of the new advanced technology that makes our existence easier. Embrace the changes and learn how new technology can help you in everyday situations.

Lastly, remember that no change happens overnight. Small, consistent steps lead to big changes. Let every next step be for a simpler, smarter and better version of yourself in the new year 2024.

Seize the day, seize the year with a fresh perspective, together with IQOS!

Only IQOS.

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