
Because Every Moment Counts

Happiness is always greater when shared, love too. We share beautiful moments, we share sorrow, we share a part of ourselves with those who mean something to us. Yes, we know those people we first think of when something good or bad happens to us, those people with whom we want to share happy moments and in whom we find comfort. But life is what happens between the "big moments", everyday life - endless meaningless conversations and even silence. We rarely think about such moments, but they are a big part of our lives, and the people we choose to spend time with between the "big things" that happen to us are the ones who matter.

Just as we forget the "little moments", we often forget to show the people around us that they mean something to us. Yes, they are important to us. On any day in January, throughout the summer, on the first day of winter, on the most boring and rainy autumn day or on Valentine's Day - they are important to us. Therefore, we choose to enjoy with them at all times and in all days, to remind them that they are making our lives better and to thank them for being there for us.

We will take Valentine's Day as an occasion, not a reason, to thank these people in our lives. To show them love. To make them happy. But let this day be an occasion for all of us to turn again to the most valuable thing we have and which we have to learn to love every day, and that is ourselves. We need to learn to fall in love with ourselves, with all its virtues and flaws, with everything that makes us good friends, parents, partners, but also what we would like to change in ourselves. We need to find a new form of self-love so that we can share it with others.

We need to learn to live in every moment, to enjoy the moments of solitude, to be comfortable with the reflection in the mirror and to fall in love with the person on the other side of it. To reward ourselves, to tell ourselves that we have done a good job, to admit to ourselves that we deserve better. To treat ourselves from time to time with that piece of clothing that we see in the shop window for a whole month, that gadget for the smartphone that we have longed for or a new IQOS to enjoy the moments in the right way.

On this February 14th, we wish you to love yourself so that you can sincerely and fully be able to love those who matter to you. We wish you to enjoy all the moments as you deserve. We wish you love.

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