
Sophisticated accessories, bold shoes: 4 things that complement your style

The first impression. The ability to impress someone at first sight. To be remembered easily. How would you define your style? Your style actually communicates who you are without saying a single word. The way you dress, your attitude and confidence are just a part of your style.

The style represents all the features that differentiate you from the rest, i.e. that which is recognizable for your visual appearance. Fashion is a form of self-expression and allows your personality to shine through the right selection of elements. Do not blindly follow the fashion trends, but choose from them exactly what suits your styling best.

What are the four components you need to integrate to create a look that's not only fashionable, but uniquely yours?

1. Timeless Accessories

Accessories that can transform your style, add a special touch and speak about your personality.

A classic sophisticated watch or a bold piece of jewelry, a pair of quality sunglasses that add mystery and allure while also protecting your eyesight.

2. Clothes that fit your figure.

Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or too loose – find a balance and choose pieces that fit your figure.

Invest in a quality suit with a good fit, T-shirts and dresses made from natural materials.

3. Distinctive shoes.

Shoes play a key role in your overall style. A pair of bold heels, elegant loafers or specific boots set the tone for the look.

4. Specific elements.

These elements not only complement your outfit, but also reflect your personality and style.

Choose a monogrammed personalized bag or custom jewelry. What can further set you apart from the crowd is diversity, and what can add definition to character is embracing change and being open to innovation. One innovation of this type, intended for adult smokers, are the IQOS ILUMA devices. Enhance the overall impression you make with a unique and bold neon design, inspired by the energy of colors – the new IQOS ILUMA NEON PURPLE Limited Edition*.

Building your style and personality requires time and attention, but our advice is always to choose elements with which you will first of all feel confident and which you are sure suit you well. And remember, confidence, attitude and authenticity are the most important to always be fully you!

*This product is not without risk, it releases nicotine which is addictive. For adults only.

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