
How Did We Do at “Little Tokyo” at Casa Bar?

What marked the last day of August? Ask those who attended the unforgettable IQOS Together X Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar. For one evening, the magic of Tokyo came to life in this place through the effective video animations of the bustling streets of Tokyo, the recognizable Japanese sushi, IQOS experts dressed in specially designed and uniquely made "kimonos" and of course through the music that complemented the unique vibe.

IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar

As a reminder, the three IQOS users from our country with the most status points collected by September 1, 2024, will go to an exciting Together X experience in Tokyo. One of the last opportunities to collect extra points was the "Little Tokyo" event at Casa Bar intended for all IQOS users who are part of the IQOS CLUB.

If you were not present at the magical evening, we have provided you with a little postcard that we hope you will enjoy as much as those present.

Minutes before the event was officially declared open, the IQOS team made sure that all the details conveyed the magic of the East. As the guests arrived, the first detail was the IQOS brand ambassadors who welcomed the guests, in specially designed creations, in Japanese style.

IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar

For a moment, we noticed that the Casa bar was filled with Japanese culture enthusiasts and competitive IQOS users who, during the event, tried to improve their rank on the list for the most points collected in IQOS CLUB and find themselves among the three lucky winners.

Right after the bar, the glow of the evening was marked by the IQOS Together X ice sculptures, where the most famous Japanese traditional specialty - sushi - was served.

IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar

The exceptional cocktail masters, who prepared cocktails based on Japanese gin and Japanese whiskey, took care to complement the experience for the senses, in addition to the delicious specialties, but also to heat up the atmosphere.

IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar

The stars of the evening - DJ Soul Case, DJ Ermillova and DJ Nastasyakish - took care of the spontaneous "dance" movements that we noticed on the dance floor. The music complemented the mood perfectly with the Tokyo-inspired theme.

Of course, IQOS users also had the unique opportunity to personalize their devices by engraving the device of their choice.

IQOS Together X - Little Tokyo event at Casa Bar

No IQOS event would be complete without capturing the unique moments, so this event also featured the famous Instagram corners where attendees marked their presence and made this another truly unforgettable IQOS experience.

And who are the three luckiest winners who will win the incredible trip to Tokyo? Stay up to date with all the activities through our Facebook and Instagram profiles and find out!

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