1. Insert the stick specially designed for IQOS ILUMA devices up to the line on the filter until the holder vibrates and light(s) pulse(s). Heating starts automatically, or by pressing the button for 1 second.

2. You can start using your device once the holder vibrates and the lights stay fixed.

3. To signal the last 30 seconds of use or that the last 2 puffs are left, the holder will vibrate with the light(s) pulsating white.

4. Dispose of the stick immediately after you’ve used it, simply by removing the stick from the holder and disposing of them according to your local waste disposal regulations.

5. Insert the holder in the charger for recharging.

Некои функции и поставки може да се вклучат или исклучат преку апликацијата IQOS, како што се автоматско стартување, функции за прилагодување, заклучување и отклучување на уредот. И не заборавајте да го регистрирате вашиот уред со скенирање на QR-кодот на вашиот уред. Ќе го најдете со отстранување на капакот на вашиот IQOS ILUMA, под футролата на вашиот IQOS ILUMA PRIME или на задната страна на вашиот IQOS ILUMA ONE. Алтернативно, посетете ја страницата и следете ги упатствата на екранот.

There are couple of ways you can check how many uses you have left. Either on the holder itself or by checking the pocket charger with the holder inside. Here’s how:

Checking on the holder: Tilt the holder towards you or short press the button. The lights will come on and indicate the battery level. When 2 lights are on it means the holder is ready for 2 uses and 1 light on means it’s ready for 1 use only.

Checking on the pocket charger: Short press the side button on the pocket charger with the holder inside the charger. The pocket charger light will turn on. 2 lights mean the holder is ready for 2 uses and 1 light on means ready for 1 use. You’re all set to enjoy your tobacco experience.

Checking the battery level of the pocket charger is easy. Simply short press the side button on the pocket charger. The pocket charger lights will turn on to indicate the battery level:

  • • 4 WHITE lights mean the battery is fully charged
  • • 3 WHITE lights mean up to 75% battery life remaining
  • • 2 WHITE lights mean up to 50% battery life remaining
  • • 1 WHITE light means up to 25% battery life remaining

YELLOW blinking lights displaying on the holder: This means the battery is depleted and the holder needs to be recharged. It’s pretty fast. IQOS ILUMA holder recharge times are:

  • • 1’ 50’’ for 0-1 Use*
  • • 3’ 25’’ for 1-2 Uses*
  • • 5’ 15’’ for 0-2 Uses*

*Please refer to the battery degradation section.

RED blinking light on the holder: You need to put the holder in the pocket charger and reset the device.

WHITE lights blink twice on the holder: This indicates your IQOS ILUMA is outside its operating temperature range of between >0°C/ <40°C.

Yes, but only with the charging cable and power adaptor designed for IQOS 3 generations.

To make your experience easier, IQOS ILUMA is packed full of new advanced features.


Once your stick is correctly inserted, your holder will vibrate to let you know that the induction heating technology has started preheating automatically.

Checking your holder.

This smart gesture allows you to check how much battery is remaining in your holder. Simply tilt the holder towards you when you’re not using it, and the lights on the holder will indicate the battery level.

Checking how much experience is left.

Double-tap your holder and the vibrations will indicate how much of your experience is left. For instance:

  • • 3 vibrations: 75-50%
  • • 2 vibrations: 50-25%
  • • 1 vibration: <25%.

You can enable and adjust the vibration modes to suit you, using the IQOS app.

If your IQOS ILUMA doesn't start on its own then please:

  • • Check that you’re only using specially designed sticks
  • • Make sure they’re being placed in the right direction in the holder
  • • Place the holder in the pocket charger and perform a RESET. To do this, press and hold down the pocket charger button for 10 seconds until the lights fade out. The RESET is confirmed when you release the button and all of the lights blink 2 times

If the holder starts on its own without a stick inserted then please follow these steps:

  • • Place the holder in the pocket charger and perform a RESET. To do this, press and hold down the pocket charger button for 10 seconds until the lights fade out. The RESET is confirmed when you release the button and all of the lights blink 2 times

Remember, you can start your tobacco experience manually by inserting your stick into the holder and pressing the button for two seconds to activate your experience. If it still doesn’t work, visit your nearest IQOS store and one of our agents will fix the problem for you or call our Call Center.

The great news is that cleaning the leather wrap is easy. Just grab a damp cloth and wipe it gently. Unfortunately, wraps are not covered by the warranty.

IQOS не е без ризик. Ослободува никотин кој создава зависност. Само за полнолетни.